"Better late than never" might sound cliche and apologetic. Well, the saying can apply to this story, which is about two PBI Sanata Dharma graduates Dodit (Robertus Dodit Pratomo) and Yanto (Sri Hariyanto), who visited Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand, for a few hours many months ago.
Dodit and Yanto, both of batch 1993, worked for the cruise ship Statendam, which periodically anchored at the Wellington Harbour.
Pictures (from top to 'bottom'):
1. At the entrance to Wellington Botanic Garden: Dodit, with a cap, and Yanto
2. At a Wellington Cable Car stop
3. Wellington Harbour background - a bit foggy
4. Lunch time in downtown Wellington with a special menu: bebek panggang or roast duck (Sorry, the picture is somewhat dark, taken indoors and without using a flash. As a result, it's under-exposure.)